AT&T Connected Car


In an era where in-car Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly common, AT&T Connected Car recognized the need for effective communication with several different audiences. I partnered with a copywriter to craft compelling concepts, designed interesting, animated emails, and presented the work to the client,



The “Empty” concept was created for customers whose free trial was nearing its end. The visual tied together the universally recognized Wi-Fi symbol and the familiar gas gauge found in our cars. A simple GIF portrayed the dial slowly approaching "Empty," symbolizing that their trial time was running out, creating a sense of urgency.




The "Home" concept was designed for an audience whose credit card had been disconnected, whether intentionally or due to a card expiration. We wanted to remind them that anywhere they had an internet connection, they could feel at home. We emphasized the sense of peace and comfort in knowing you have a stable connection at your fingertips, and that no matter where you go, you can take all your creature comforts with you.